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How Do We Draw Near to God? 6 Effective Methods to Help You

Drawing close to God every day is a crucial aspect of our faith life. Whether in times of joy or facing challenges, being close to God can offer us strength, peace, and guidance. Here are 6 effective methods to help us foster a deeper connection with God each day and experience His presence and grace.

1. Pray to God With a Sincere Heart

Praying to God with sincerity is one way to draw near to Him every day. It is a pathway to building a profound relationship with God. In prayer, we can not only pour out our concerns, joys, and hopes to God but also experience His love and care. Prayer deepens our intimacy with God, making us more reliant on Him because we believe that God hears our prayers and responds according to His will. Therefore, praying to God with a sincere heart is not just an act of worship and expression; it is a means of intimate communication with God, allowing us to walk with Him and share everything in our daily lives. God says, “The minimum that God requires of man is that man be able to open his heart to Him. If man gives his true heart to God and speaks what is truly in his heart, then God is willing to work in him. What God desires is not the twisted heart of man, but a pure and honest heart. If man does not speak from his heart to God, then God will not move his heart or work in him. Therefore, the crux of prayer is to speak to God from your heart, telling Him your shortcomings or rebellious disposition, laying yourself completely open before Him; only then will God be interested in your prayers, or else He will hide His face from you(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Practice of Prayer).

God is the Creator, observing the entire earth and scrutinizing every word and deed, every thought and intention of us. When we pray to God, we must approach Him with an honest heart, holding a heart of reverence towards God, speaking truthfully and sincerely, bringing our actual situations, difficulties, and confusions before God. In prayer, we seek God’s will and the way to practice—this is in line with God’s heart. For example, we can honestly confess our sins to God and seek ways to overcome them; when facing challenging times, we can pray to God seeking His will and assistance; during moments of success, we can offer sincere prayers, expressing praise for God’s love and mercy. Therefore, praying to God with a sincere heart every day brings us closer to Him.

2. Diligently Study the Bible

Diligently studying the Bible is a crucial way for us to draw near to God each day. The truths within the Bible not only serve as the spiritual sustenance of our lives but also act as a guide for our faith journey. When we invest time in deepening our understanding of the scriptures daily, we open the door to a dialogue with God, allowing His truths and wisdom to fill our minds. Through a thorough exploration of the Bible, we gain a clearer understanding of God’s will and learn about His guidance and requirements for our lives. Studying the Bible is not only a means of drawing closer to God but also a significant path for the growth of our spiritual lives. With the revelation of truth in the Bible, we can deeply experience God’s love and care and gain insights into His plans and promises for us. Therefore, setting aside time every day to earnestly study the Bible is a way to strengthen our relationship with God and continuously enrich our spiritual lives.

To achieve better results in Bible reading, we can also seek study guides and commentaries on various Bible learning websites. This will enhance our understanding of the Bible. Our website, taking into consideration the needs of those who have a love for the Bible and a thirst for truth, has launched a “Bible Study” section. It includes features such as “Short Bible Quotes,” “Bible Verse by Topics,” and “Verse of the Day,” where extensive discussions on numerous passages are provided. These resources can not only help deepen our comprehension of the truths and God’s intentions contained within these passages but also cater to our daily spiritual needs and resolve any confusion we may have regarding certain verses.

3. Live According to God’s Will Every Day

Living according to God’s will means putting God’s words into our lives. It is a crucial way for us to draw closer to God each day. It goes beyond verbal commitments; it is about practical implementation. By integrating God’s word into our daily lives, we can demonstrate our faith and obedience to God through our words and actions. This entails treating others with love, forgiveness, and care in our interactions. In the face of challenges and difficulties, we rely on God’s promises and teachings to seek solutions. When pursuing goals and dreams, we use God’s words as a guide, following His will in our actions. Practicing the words of the Lord not only helps us draw closer to God but also makes our lives more fulfilling and meaningful, facilitating faster spiritual growth. Therefore, let us continuously strive in our daily lives to put God’s words into practice, becoming witnesses to His will. God says, “The truth that man needs to possess is found in the word of God, and it is a truth that is the most beneficial and helpful to mankind. It is the tonic and sustenance that your body needs, something that helps man restore his normal humanity. It is a truth that man should be equipped with. The more you practice God’s word, the more quickly your life will blossom, and the clearer the truth will become. As you grow in stature, you will see things of the spiritual world more clearly, and the more strength you will have to triumph over Satan. Much of the truth that you do not understand will be made clear when you practice the word of God. Most people are satisfied to merely understand the text of God’s word and focus on equipping themselves with doctrines rather than on deepening their experience in practice, but is that not the way of the Pharisees? So how can the phrase, ‘The word of God is life’ be real for them? A person’s life cannot grow simply by reading God’s word, but only when the word of God is put into practice. If it is your belief that to understand God’s word is all that is needed to have life and stature, then your understanding is warped. Truly understanding God’s word occurs when you practice the truth, and you must understand that ‘only by practicing the truth can it ever be understood.’(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Once You Understand the Truth, You Should Put It Into Practice).

4. Singing Hymns to Praise God Every Day

Singing hymns to praise God is a sacred and delightful activity, serving as a vital way for us to draw near to God each day. It opens the windows of our hearts, allowing God’s radiance and grace to fill our inner beings, connecting our souls with God and enabling us to listen to His voice. Whether during moments of leisure at home or commuting to work, we can take a moment to quietly listen to songs that praise God. In the melodies, we can express boundless love and gratitude to God, offering our inner joy and reverence to the Almighty. Each hymn is an expression of thanksgiving to God, a response to His infinite grace. Singing hymns is a means of intimate communion with God. Through the act of praise, our relationship with God is deepened, and our spirits are nourished. In the midst of worship, we can set aside the worldly distractions and worries, entering into a moment of intimate connection with God, allowing His peace and joy to fill our hearts.

May we start and end each day with the melodies of praise, making the songs of praise a bridge to our intimate communion with God. May our lives be filled with the glory and beauty of God through the act of singing hymns.

5. Make it a Habit to Write Devotional Notes Every Day

Maintaining a habit of writing devotional notes is one way for us to draw closer to God each day. By setting aside regular time for personal reflection, we can jot down our insights and highlights from God’s word. Writing these devotional notes can not only deepen our understanding of God’s words but also allow us to reflect on how His words apply to our lives. These devotional notes serve as both a personal dialogue with God and a testimony of His work and guidance in our lives. Throughout our faith journey, these notes become precious memories and evidence that encourage us to stay firm in our faith. Therefore, making a habit of writing spiritual reflection notes is an important part of building a stronger relationship with God and experiencing continuous spiritual growth.

God says, “If you would have your heart truly at peace before God, then you must do the work of conscious cooperation. This is to say that every one of you must have a time for your devotions, a time when you put aside people, events, and things; settle your heart and quiet yourself before God. Everyone must keep individual devotional notes, recording their knowledge of God’s word and how their spirit is moved, regardless of whether they are profound or superficial; everyone must consciously quiet their heart before God. If you can dedicate one or two hours each day to true spiritual life, then your life that day will feel enriched and your heart will be bright and clear. If you live this kind of spiritual life every day, then your heart will be able to return more into God’s possession, your spirit will become stronger and stronger, your condition will constantly improve, you will become more capable of walking the path on which the Holy Spirit leads, and God will bestow increased blessings upon you(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Normal Spiritual Life Leads People Onto the Right Track).

6. Intercede for Others

Interceding for others is not only a way to express love and care but also a crucial means of establishing connections between ourselves and God and others. Praying for others daily not only helps us compassionately attend to the needs of those around us but also strengthens our relationship with God. In the process of intercession, we connect our hearts with the intentions of God, allowing His love and power to be channeled into the lives of others. Through intercessory prayer, we also have the opportunity to experience a deeper understanding of God’s love and compassion. Additionally, we are privileged to serve as instruments through which God leads others towards His plans, which are filled with His wonderful intentions. Therefore, consistently interceding for others each day not only deepens our relationships with God and fellow humans but also allows us to become witnesses of God’s love.


In our everyday lives, there are numerous ways to draw closer to God: through prayer, reading the Bible, living according to His word, singing hymns, keeping spiritual journals, and interceding for others. These are pathways to building deeper connections with God and are essential for our spiritual growth. However, it is not enough to merely be aware of these ways; what truly matters is to integrate them into our daily lives and persevere in practicing them consistently. Only through steadfast commitment day by day can we truly experience the joy and peace of growing closer to God. So, let us earnestly implement these practices each day, drawing near to God continually, walking with Him, experiencing His wonders, and building a more intimate relationship with Him.

If you wish to learn more about ways to draw closer to God, please feel free to reach out to us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We are always available to share God’s words with you, and we are looking forward to communicating with you online.