
Salvation and Full Salvation

What Does Being Saved Mean? Does It Mean Receiving Full Salvation?

Accepting the Lord Jesus’ salvation means being saved, but is being saved equal to attaining full salvation? What does being saved really mean? This article has the answers....

What Is the True Meaning of Salvation?

What is true salvation? Some people say salvation only means to be forgiven of sin. Is it really the case? This article will tell you the meaning of true salvation....

Can Those Who Are Saved by Faith Enter God’s Kingdom?

Some Christians believe that as long as they accept the Lord Jesus’ salvation of the cross, verbally acknowledge the Lord and believe in Him in their hearts, then they are saved and will be able to en...

Knowing the Meaning of Salvation by Faith, I Find the Way to Escape Sin

Though we receive salvation by faith, we still sin. However, the heavenly kingdom permits no stained human being to enter. So how can we resolve the problem of sin?...

We’ve Gained Salvation Through Jesus Christ, So Can We Enter the Heavenly Kingdom?

We are saved through Jesus Christ and forgiven of sins, but we are still capable of sinning, so we can’t enter the heavenly kingdom. We still need to accept God’s salvation in the last days and cast o...

What Are the True Overcomers? How Can We Be Overcomers?

Actually, those who just keep the Lord’s name and work hard for Him are not true overcomers, the true overcomers are those …...

To Attain God’s Full Salvation, We Cannot Miss His Salvation in the Last Days

We didn’t gain God’s full salvation after Jesus was nailed to the cross and redeemed man. There is still an important step of work in the last days. Know what is God’s full salvation from God’s work s...

Is the Word “Once Saved, Always Saved” Tenable?

Many Christians hope that salvation is once and for all. However, is the statement tenable or based on the Lord’s word?...

To Enter the Kingdom of Heaven, We Must Be Purified

We are forgiven of our sins, but we still sin and haven’t get rid of sins thoroughly. Can we enter the kingdom of heaven like this?...

Is It True That “Once Saved, Always Saved”?

Is it true that “once saved, always saved” after we believe in the Lord Jesus? I received unexpected gains in a Bible study meeting....

Does Being Forgiven Our Sins Mean We Are Saved?

Being saved means we are changed in our life disposition. Then does being saved by grace and forgiven our sins mean we are saved? ...

What Exactly Is Being Truly Saved?

The Lord Jesus was crucified as a sin offering to redeem us. And we’ll be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes. Is this viewpoint correct?...

Does “Once Being Saved” Mean “Always Being Saved”?

What exactly the real being saved means? Does “Once Saved” Really Mean “Always Saved”?Why do we still live in the cycle of sinning each day and confessing each night?...