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God Is the Beginning of Wisdom - Proverbs 9:10 Meaning

Today’s Verse

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

  • Thought on Today's Verse:

Solomon was a king of wisdom. In his eyes, wisdom was better than wealth, and this was confirmed by his life experience. Where does wisdom come from? And how can we have wisdom? This verse tells us that wisdom comes from God. The fear of the LORD is a prerequisite for having wisdom, and it has something to do with our practice in real life.

For example, when we haven’t figured out a design at work, we unwittingly have some ideas after praying to God. When we don’t know how to help brothers and sisters who are weak and negative, if we pray to and rely on God, then we know how to fellowship with them. Only if we fear God in real life can we get wisdom from God and benefit from it. Then this verse is really helpful for us. If we don’t put it into practice but take it to be doctrine, then we cannot feel the guidance of God and get half the result with twice the effort when doing things. The less we practice the Lord’s word, the less we feel the power of His word.

The holy in this verse refers to God who created all things. He is almighty, wondrous and unfathomable. If we don’t put God’s word into practice, how can we know the holy and see His deeds? When we practice the Lord’s word, we can gain wisdom, as well as the knowledge of the Lord.

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