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Joshua 10:12 Explanation: Joshua’s Prayer of Faith

Daily Bible Verse of the Day

Then spoke Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand you still on Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

Thoughts on Today's Verse…

If you are currently facing difficulties and challenges, if you need God’s help and guidance, and if you long for God to create miracles in your life, please read Joshua 10:12 Explanation that will offer you help.

“Sun, stand you still on Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon” (Joshua 10:12). This is Joshua’s prayer to God during the battle between the Israelites and the coalition of five kings. In this battle, God demonstrated His mighty power and faithfulness. He performed an unprecedented miracle to save His people by causing the sun and moon to halt, prolonging daylight until the victory of His people. How did this miracle occur? It was because of Joshua’s faith and prayer. The situation of the battle was dire, with numerous enemies, yet Joshua was not daunted by the difficulties or fears. He did not rely on his own strategies or strength but chose to seek God’s help. He looked up to the heavens and made this bold and astounding request to the God who created the universe: “Sun, stand you still on Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.” This was not a request for something trivial or reasonable; it was not a plea for something possible. Instead, it was a prayer to alter the laws of nature and the passage of time. Joshua believed that God ruled over everything, had control over all things, and firmly trusted that God would fight alongside them and could change everything. What immense faith this was! Joshua’s prayer was fulfilled by God, and his faith received God’s approval. In his faith, Joshua witnessed the marvelous work of God. God made the sun stand still in the sky, paused the moon in its place, and extended daylight by about a whole day. Joshua led the Israelites to defeat the coalition of five kings, bringing glory to God’s name and fulfillment to God’s word. God says, “It is only from within your faith that you will be able to see God, and when you have faith God will perfect you. Without faith, He cannot do this. God will bestow upon you whatever you hope to gain. If you do not have faith, then you cannot be perfected and you will be unable to see God’s actions, much less His omnipotence. When you have faith that you will see His actions in your practical experience, then God will appear to you, and He will enlighten and guide you from within. Without that faith, God will be unable to do that. If you have lost hope in God, how will you be able to experience His work? Therefore, only when you have faith and you do not harbor doubts toward God, only when you have true faith in Him no matter what He does, will He enlighten and illuminate you through your experiences, and only then will you be able to see His actions. These things are all achieved through faith. Faith comes only through refinement, and in the absence of refinement, faith cannot develop. What does this word, ‘faith,’ refer to? Faith is the genuine belief and the sincere heart that humans should possess when they cannot see or touch something, when God’s work does not align with human notions, when it is beyond human reach. This is the faith that I speak of(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Are to Be Made Perfect Must Undergo Refinement).

Friend, when facing difficulties and challenges in life, no matter how tough it gets, we can receive God’s help through faith and prayer. Because our God is almighty and faithful; as long as we have faith in Him and sincerely call upon Him, God will also create miracles in our lives. If you want to learn more about the truths of faith and prayer, please feel free to contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We will be glad to share God’s words and have discussions with you.