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Explanation and Meaning of the Beatitudes in the Bible: Comfort and Guidance in Suffering

Our Lord Jesus teaches us the Beatitudes, which carry profound and inspiring meanings. They serve as a precious guide to receiving God’s blessings, helping us find comfort and guidance in this world filled with sin and chaos, so we can overcome all difficulties and challenges. If you desire God’s blessings, please continue reading!

1. “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven(Matthew 5:3).

This scripture is the first sentence of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, concise yet containing profound truths, demonstrating an important condition for entering the kingdom of heaven—humility. Humility is not weakness but an acknowledgment of one’s smallness and insignificance before God. So, why is humility highlighted as the key to reaching the kingdom of heaven? Because humility allows individuals to recognize their lack and inadequacy, prompting them to set aside themselves and seek God for help and guidance. Take the disciples and apostles who followed Jesus as an example. When they heard Jesus preaching, they then sought with humility, earnestly listening to His words. Through His teachings, they heard the voice of God, recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah, and followed Him, thus receiving salvation. In contrast, the arrogant Pharisees did not humbly seek the words and works of Jesus. Relying on their knowledge of the Scriptures and their social status, they disregarded Jesus, even resisted and condemned Him, and in the end, they crucified Him, committing a heinous crime, and suffering God’s punishment. Today, the prophecies of Jesus’ second coming have been fulfilled, and we are at a crucial moment to welcome His return. When someone testifies that the Lord has returned and has expressed many truths to save people from sin and guide them to attain purification and enter the kingdom of heaven, those who humbly seek, attentively listen to the words of the returned Lord, can discover the truth and recognize the voice of God, and them they accept and obey. This is how they welcome the Lord’s return and have the chance to enter the kingdom of heaven. On the other hand, arrogant people refuse to humbly seek the words and works of the returned Lord, and some even resist and condemn the Lord’s second coming; Such individuals, because of their arrogance and conceit and the failure to genuinely seek the Lord’s return, end up missing the chance to welcome the Lord and will never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.

God says, “The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth, but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation. You should choose your own path, and should not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and reject the truth. You should not be an ignorant and arrogant person, but someone who obeys the guidance of the Holy Spirit and longs for and seeks the truth; only in this way will you benefit(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. By the Time You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus, God Will Have Made Heaven and Earth Anew).

Friend, when it comes to the return of the Lord Jesus, if you want to humbly seek the words and works of the returned Lord, welcoming Him soon for the opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We will be happy to share God’s words and have an online discussion with you.

2. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted(Matthew 5:4).

The statement from the Lord Jesus unveils a special comfort that God provides to those in mourning. “Mourn” here doesn’t just mean regular sadness; it signifies a deep regret and pain arising from recognizing one’s own sins. It’s an internal struggle, a heartfelt remorse for one’s wrongdoings. Even though we believe in the Lord and receive forgiveness for our sins, allowing us to enjoy God’s grace and blessings, we still find ourselves living in sin, unable to break free. We often commit sins, offending God, and the chains of sin bind us, causing unbearable suffering. However, those who mourn don’t sink into utter despair. Instead, they can turn to God for solace, trusting in His promises, eagerly awaiting His salvation, and seeking a way to break free from sin and suffering. God is faithful; He showers blessings upon those in mourning and prepares an everlasting path for them to escape the clutches of sin and suffering. Specifically, the Lord will return in the last days to express all the truths that can save mankind, aiming to completely rescue humanity from sin, purify them, and bring them into God’s kingdom, allowing them to experience God’s eternal blessings. God says, “Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Preface).

The scripture makes it clear: During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus finished the work of redemption, merely forgiving people’s sins. Even though sins were forgiven, and individuals enjoyed God’s grace and blessings, they continued to sin frequently. Every day was a cycle of committing sins, repenting, and falling back into the same patterns. No one can escape the bonds and constraints of sin. We all struggle while living in sin, unable to attain freedom but burdened by inner pain. The Lord Jesus has returned in the last days, and has expressed numerous truths. Building upon the redemptive work of the Age of Grace, He has initiated the work of judgment starting from the house of God. His purpose is to thoroughly cleanse and save humanity, liberating them from sin and bringing them into the kingdom of God, where they can live a wonderful life free from sin and suffering. This is the salvation bestowed upon us by God.

If you are a person who is grieving and seeking to understand God’s judgment work in the end times, and you desire to break free from the bonds of sin and receive eternal blessings, please feel free to contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We are always available to share God’s word with you and chat with you online.

3. “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth(Matthew 5:5).

This statement is a wonderful blessing given to us by God, but it is also a significant responsibility. The meek are not weak; rather, they possess qualities of humility, gentleness, and compassion. They do not center themselves, strive for power, seek revenge, or harbor jealousy. Instead, they approach others with love, humility, and peace. Most importantly, they approach God with reverence, sincerity, and obedience. The meek listen attentively to God’s words and earnestly seek His will. In the eyes of God, the meek are blessed because they keep pace with His footsteps and thus receive His salvation. This is God’s grace towards them. Such individuals recognize their limitations and depend on God’s salvation. They are willing to live according to God’s will and walk alongside Him. They seek God with love, kindness, and humility, desiring to be His people and testify for Him. Therefore, the meek are both blessed and carry a responsibility. They serve as a testimony of God’s presence in the world, living their lives to bring glory to Him. Do you desire to be a meek person and receive God’s blessing? Please contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We are always available to share God’s word with you and have open communication.

4. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled(Matthew 5:6).

This concise yet profound statement reveals an important truth: It is only through the pursuit of righteousness with a deep thirst that we can truly be satisfied. In a world filled with sin and chaos, it is easy for people to fall into the pursuit of material pleasures and worldly gains. However, such pursuits only bring temporary satisfaction to the flesh while leaving the soul empty and in pain. The Lord Jesus teaches us that only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness can receive God’s blessings and find genuine satisfaction in their hearts. Hunger and thirst for righteousness stem from a deep longing for God’s word and a pursuit of spiritual life. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are individuals who yearn for righteousness in their hearts, seek truth, and desire to walk in God’s ways. The path of hunger and thirst for righteousness is a journey filled with hope and anticipation. As we seek God and righteousness, we will receive the nourishment and supply of God’s words. This supply not only brings satisfaction in this present life but also grants us eternal blessings in the life to come. May we always maintain a thirst for God and righteousness. On the path of hunger and thirst for righteousness, may we find true inner peace and satisfaction.

5. “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy(Matthew 5:7).

This statement conveys a profound truth: Those who show mercy and compassion to others are blessed by God. In a world filled with indifference and cruelty, Jesus teaches us the importance of having compassion for others. Compassion is not merely an emotion; it is an active expression of care and practical assistance towards those in need. When we extend compassion to others, it’s as if we unlock a gateway to God’s grace. We personally experience His mercy, feel His presence, and find joy in His provision. Having compassion for others creates a deep bond that connects us with God and with other people. It is a beautiful expression that goes beyond words and touches the heart. Through showing mercy and compassion, we genuinely experience the blessings of being shown mercy, making us truly blessed individuals.

6. “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God(Matthew 5:8).

This concise yet profound statement holds an important truth, guiding us towards inner purity to experience God’s blessings. In our daily lives, we often find ourselves entangled in the complexities of worldly affairs and relationships, which prevent our hearts from finding tranquility in the presence of God. However, when we strive to maintain a clear and uncluttered state of mind, seeking peace before God, we become pure in heart and are able to witness God’s blessings in our everyday lives. In this noisy world, maintaining a pure heart is no easy task, but it is precisely this state of mind that enables us to see God’s presence more clearly. So, how can we quiet our hearts before God and become pure in heart? God says, “First, begin from the aspect of prayer. Pray with undivided attention and at fixed times. No matter how pressed you are for time, how busy your work, or what befalls you, pray every day as normal, and eat and drink God’s words as normal. As long as you eat and drink God’s words, no matter what your surroundings are, you will have great enjoyment in your spirit, and you will be undisturbed by the people, events, or things around you. When you ordinarily contemplate God in your heart, what goes on outside cannot bother you. This is what it means to possess stature. Begin with prayer: Praying quietly before God is most fruitful. After that, eat and drink the words of God, seek out the light in God’s words by pondering them, find the path to practice, know God’s purpose in speaking His words, and understand them without deviation. Ordinarily, it should be normal for you to be able to draw close to God in your heart, to contemplate God’s love and to ponder the words of God, without being disturbed by external things. When your heart has achieved a certain degree of peace, you will be able to muse silently and, within yourself, to contemplate God’s love and truly draw near to Him, regardless of your surroundings, until finally you reach the point where praise wells up in your heart, and it is even better than prayer. Then you will be possessed of a certain stature. If you are able to achieve the states of being described above, it will be proof that your heart is truly at peace before God. This is the first basic lesson. Only after people are able to be at peace before God can they be touched by the Holy Spirit, and enlightened and illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and only then are they able to have true communion with God, as well as to grasp God’s will and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They will then have entered onto the right track in their spiritual lives(The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. On Quieting Your Heart Before God).

Finding inner peace before God is not an elusive and mysterious experience; rather, it is a result of drawing near to God and understanding Him. Through prayer, studying and pondering His word, and reflecting on His love, we can receive God’s guidance and enjoy His presence in our lives. We come to comprehend His wonderful plans and guidance for us, and our hearts overflow with gratitude and praise for Him. In this way, we can personally experience the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise: “Blessed are the pure in heart!”

7. “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God(Matthew 5:9).

This passage teaches us to pursue peace and harmony, becoming blessed individuals who are known as children of God. In this era filled with conflicts and divisions, it is particularly important to be peacemakers. Peacemaking is not about passively compromising; rather, it is an active force, a motivation to bring about positive change in our surroundings. Being a peacemaker involves not only practicing tolerance in our words but also demonstrating sincere goodwill from the depths of our hearts. It requires us to, in the love of God, learn to listen and respect others’ perspectives, embracing different opinions. Through genuine communication and kind actions, we can sow seeds of harmony in our relationships and, with the nurturing of God’s love, see them grow into the fruits of peace. God says, “If people have no verbal or spiritual communication, then there is no possibility of intimacy between them, and they cannot provide for each other or help one another. You have experienced this, have you not? If your friend confides everything to you, giving voice to all that they are thinking and whatever suffering or happiness they harbor, then will you not feel especially close to them? The reason they are willing to tell you these things is because you have confided your innermost thoughts to them as well. You are particularly close, and it is because of this that you are able to get along so well and help each other out. Without this kind of communication and exchange between the brothers and sisters in the church, they would be unable to get along harmoniously, and would find it impossible to work well together while performing their duties(The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. The Most Fundamental Practice of Being an Honest Person).

If you want to truly become a person who promotes peace and receives God’s approval and blessings, please feel free to contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We will always be available to share God’s word and have conversations with you.

8. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven(Matthew 5:10).

From this statement, we can see that Jesus gives a special blessing to those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, a true blessing from the kingdom of heaven. This world lies under the control of the wicked one, filled with darkness and evil. When we follow God, seeking justice and walking the right path, we are destined to be rejected by the world and face persecution. We may encounter mockery, insults, and exclusion from people, and even face the threat of persecution and danger to our lives under the rule of Satan’s power. However, those who genuinely believe in God stay resolute and unwavering in their faith, no matter the persecution or hardships they encounter. They neither complain nor betray God. They are able to bear strong and resounding witnesses for God. They are the victorious ones who emerge from great tribulation and are able to inherit the blessings of the kingdom of heaven. It is evident that being persecuted for righteousness’ sake is not a failure but a necessary path on the journey to the kingdom of heaven. In the kingdom of God, all persecution endured for the sake of righteousness will be transformed into eternal blessings.


The Beatitudes taught by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount are indeed a precious guide. They are profound and inspiring, providing powerful direction for our life of faith. The meaning of these Beatitudes encompasses various aspects of life, from inner qualities to our relationships with others and with God, having a profound impact. By living out these teachings, we can not only lead meaningful lives in this world but also lay a solid foundation for entering the kingdom of heaven. May we be guided by the Beatitudes and closely follow the footsteps of God until we enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you would like to learn more truths about entering the kingdom of heaven, please feel free to contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. We will always be available to share God’s word and have conversations with you.