How Can We Gain the Way of Eternal Life?
Does the Bible contain eternal life? Why did the Lord Jesus say that eternal life is not within the Bible? So how can we find the way of eternal life? This article will resolve your questions....What Is Eternal Life? How Can We Gain Eternal Life?
Speaking of eternal life, below are 2 aspects of truths that Christians must know: What is eternal life? How can we gain eternal life? Read this article to get the answers quickly....Is Confession of Sins Only the Way of Repentance? What Is the Way of Eternal Life?
You have been forgiven of your sins yet still live in the state of sinning and confessing? This proves that you merely gain the way of repentance. Only if we gain the truth that the returned Lord best...Have You Found What the Way of Eternal Life Is?
Man lost the eternal life because of sins. Although believing in Jesus, we still cannot break free from the bondage of sin. In Revelation, God will bestow the way of eternal life on man. Have you foun...Are You Someone Who Obtains Eternal Life?
The Lord Jesus said, “He that believes on the Son has everlasting life”, then how to believe in the Son can we obtain eternal life and enter into the kingdom of heaven?...To Be Saved - Who Brings Us the Way of Eternal Life?
Question 2: The Bible is merely a record of the first two stages of God’s work. So if we only read the Bible, we cannot gain eternal life. The Bible can’t give eternal life. Of this, there is no doub...To Be Saved - How Could We Find the Way of Eternal Life?
Question 1: Now we learned about the true relationship between the Bible and God. The Bible is the Bible, God is God. They are different, and they can’t be thought of as the same. We should all hold G...