
Movie Reviews

Christian Movie Review of From the Jaws of Death

From the Jaws of Death, in a factual manner, truly shows an arduous process about a 78-year-old lady’s suffering persecution for believing in God in China....

Movie Review: Where Is My Home - Wandering Spirits Have Found Their Home

This film tells a story about finding home. Where is our true home? Having searched for a long time, the heroine Wenya finally found it....

Review of The Story About Xiaozhen: The Soliloquy to Life

Where do we come from? How should we live? Is the world the destination we truly belong to? What hope do we have left in life? ...

Movie Review of What a Beautiful Voice: Seek and You Shall Find

How did Dong Jingxin a preacher of a house church hear the voice of God? This movie review will help you to understand the movie what a beautiful voice better! ...

Christian Review: The Exchange - Battle Between Justice and Evil

How will the movie heroine Jiang Xinyi and her co-workers face the torture to confess and brainwash? And what kind of battle will take place between them?...

Movie Review: Where Is My Home

The Christian film "Where Is My Home" talks about the affection and family, and about human life, inspiring us a lot: Only the Almighty God can save man from Satan’s affliction....

Christian Movie Review of Stay out of My Business: Revealing the Truth

Christian Movie Review: This movie narrates a series of plots between believers and the religious pastor about whether they should investigate the true way....

Review: Christian Musical Every Nation Worships the Practical God - The Inexpressible Love of God

The musical “Every Nation Worships the Practical God” offers the audience an immersive experience of God’s love. It also brings us a piece of great news......

Reflections on the Film Child, Come Back Home: The Transformation of a Young Addict

My reflections on the film Child, Come Back Home! A type of social phenomenon: Many people fall in network and yet have no way to extricate themselves......