The Meaning of the Lord Jesus Appearing to His Disciples After His Resurrection
The Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples many times after resurrection. This article will tell you the meaning of it. Read to learn more....Revealing the Mystery of the Trinity
The mystery of the trinity has always perplexed the whole religious world. This article will reveal the root and the truth of the trinity and lead you to know the only one true God....What Does Christ Mean? Is Christ the Anointed One?
Does Christ refer to the anointed one? The prophets in the Bible were also anointed, but why were they not Christs? Just what does Christ mean?...Know Meaning of “Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law” From He Breaking the Sabbath
The Lord Jesus said He didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law, then why did He not keep the Sabbath? What does “Jesus came to fulfill the law” mean?...Why Did the Lord Jesus Not Want the Miracles He Performed to Be Told?
If you understand the real meaning of the Lord Jesus’ saying “tell no one,” you will have a deeper understanding of the wisdom of God’s work....What’s the Meaning of the Lord Jesus Working on the Sabbath?
When the Lord Jesus came to work, He didn’t keep the Sabbath but led His disciples to work on the Sabbath. What is His will? Read to learn more....What Is the True Meaning of Easter? Let’s Rethink It
Do you know the true meaning of Easter? Many people say it is for celebrating the Lord Jesus’ resurrection. In fact, there is more important significance hidden behind Easter....The Lord Jesus Is Not Only a Merciful God but a Wrathful God
Do you know the disposition of the Lord Jesus? He is not only a merciful God but a wrathful God. In this article, you will know for what reason God will be angry and for what reason He will be mercifu...The Reason Why Jesus Said “It Is Finished” Is Closely Connected With His Return
Jesus said “It is finished” upon the cross. But why did the Bible say He will appear to save man upon His return? Read this article and find out the true meaning of “It is finished.”...To Feel Jesus’ Love for Mankind, Start by Reading Matthew 18:14
The Lord Jesus’ love for mankind hides in this word “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven” in Matthew 18:14. You can learn the detail from this article....Why Did Jesus Christ, as God, Do His Work in the Flesh Not in the Spirit?
It was because of the need of mankind that God became flesh as Jesus Christ and came to the earth to do the work of redeeming mankind instead of working in the Spirit in the Age of Grace....Why Did Jesus Christ Only Give Peter the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?
What did Peter do so that Jesus Christ was so pleased with him and gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven to him rather than the other disciples?...Is the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Completion of the Work of Salvation?
Many Christians believe the Crucifixion of Jesus means the work of salvation has already been done because Jesus Christ said “It is finished” on the cross. Is this really the fact?...Learn What It Means to Be Pure in Heart From Two Kinds of People in the Bible
Only by having a pure heart can we have the chance to welcome Jesus’ second coming. What exactly does it mean to be pure in heart? We can learn it from two kinds of people in the Bible....Resurrection of Jesus Christ Reveals 3 Mysteries
Three mysteries are hidden behind the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Read this article and you’ll have a deeper understanding of God....Does “It Is Finished” Said by Jesus Mean Man Was Fully Saved?
Jesus Christ said, “It is finished”(John 19:30). Only by understanding what it means can we know whether we are fully saved....3 Aspects of Significance of Jesus Speaking in Parables
why did the Lord Jesus speak in parables? We can know the reason and God’s will from 3 aspects....